2020-10-06 1:40 AM
i am working with the TMC5130 eval kit. its a motor control driver that is controlled by STM32f205 chip.
the IDE is based on eclipse IDE, and for now all i can do is build my project (there are few build configuration files) and program it via USB cable with another tool called TMCL-IDE.
My question is how can I debug this project.
can someone guide me how to configure the eclipse to use ST link.
i was trying with GDB HW debugger add on but without success.
I asked the same request the technical support of Trinamic, but they told me to ask here.
Thanks, Avi
2020-10-07 6:06 AM
Dear @Aasaf.1
If your board meets ST design standards (for example, ST-link circuits and its connections should not be too customized), I recommend using the STM32Cube tool suite with a specific IDE (eclipse-based) and so on. But you'll need to configure it that can be complexe if your board documentation is not enough detailed.
Also note that you cannot use specific STM32 Motor Control tool as we no longer support STM32F2 on the current versions of this tools (but there are many other STM32s supported).
Either way, I guess you are supposed to be able to debug your software on your board and it is the responsibility of the board vendor to put you in a position to do so (i.e. Trinamic).
Sorry to not be able to help you more.
Perhaps someone else in the STM32 community have the knowledge to help you on this board (Trimanic TMC5130), isn't he?
Best regards
Laurent Ca...