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Why the Lwip example code cannot run on the my customized board?

Associate II


  1. I run the "LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS" example well on STM32746G-Discovery board. I can see webpage after type "" in browser.
  2. I modified the gpio configuration in "HAL_ETH_MspInit"
  3. I modified the HSE_VALUE from 25M to 8M (my board use 8M osc)
  4. I try to burn the modified code to our board, but it cannot work and no webpage i can see in browser... i am sure my board has no hardware problem.

Can someone tell any other consideration on the modification to make my board run the example?




Does the DISCO pull a 25 MHz for the PHY via PA8 MCO of HSE ?

Otherwise you'll need an alternate clock source, or not use the default routing the software is using, and clock the STM32 Ethernet peripheral with the same clock as the PHY.

>>i am sure my board has no hardware problem.

I don't see a schematic, so fix/understand the software, and probe the pins confirming you're seeing the clocks/signals where expected.

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Associate II

>> Does the DISCO pull a 25 MHz for the PHY via PA8 MCO of HSE ?

I checked the DISCO schematic it provides 25MHz exterrnal ​osc go through XTAL1/CLKI input pin on PHY LAN8742A chip. The below is the schematic of DISCO board.

0690X000008B997QAC.jpg​>> clock the STM32 Ethernet peripheral with the same clock as the PHY.

suppose MAC and PHY share the same clock source, right?

>> I don't see a schematic, so fix/understand the software...

As the customized board can run an old lwip firmware and i can see the webpage, so i confirm the board hardware has no problem. The same weird problem is this firmware also cannot run on DISCO board. The below is the schematic of the customized board.


So i doubt the problem is still the clock setting... I even exchange the code SystemClock_Config() part each other, still no use...

Any suggestion? Thanks!
