2014-09-02 12:51 PM
under Windows stmCube does all the download of the libraries for me.
But how can I keep uptodate with the libs? It looks there is no possibility to download the libs separately. PS: It would be great if ST can make the tool real cross platform. Where can I complain to be heard? Regards, Adib. #stm32 #cube2014-09-03 9:21 AM
Dear Adib,
I use this way:From the select your favorite microcontroller family,series, and a part number from the list.In the appearing window there is a ''Design resources'' tab. In this tabsomewhere at the end there is a ''Related Tools and Software'' title.Under this title appears eg. the case of STM32L1 family a link:
''STSW-STM32077 STM32L1xx standard peripherals library''.an you are in your goal, click it and download.Maybe there are more optimal paths, but it is work well for me.If you want to monitor it, I recommend you to create a myST account andlink your favorite MCU in your list.PeterPS: Maybe the description above not works with every family. I made atest with the newer STM32 L0 family (supported with Cube) and I did notfind the offline library. :(2014-09-05 2:14 AM
the peripheral library I get for stm32f4 ist the previous one
STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.3.0 the one that comes with STM32cube is not the same and has always hal_...in the filename. Adib.