2022-08-22 8:48 AM
We have some products in the field that have historically used DFUseDemo together with the Windows driver "STTub30.sys". That worked well as it is quite a concise tool that is easy to install.
ST have replaced that with STM32CubeProgrammer which is much more of a developers tool, and one that I find harder to use, and if users press the wrong buttons, can get them in trouble.
The DFUseDemo driver "STTub30.sys" blocks systems from using Memory Integrity, so is actually unusable on some PCs today too.
Yes, we could add our own bootloader and upgrade tool, but DFUseDemo was simple enough to use, it was always a time saver.
Are there any simpler replacements to DFUseDemo that exist or can ST upgrade the driver to bring it up to modern security requirements?