2022-03-28 8:07 AM
Most time i use IAR to create an application. But want to use mingw and vs code instead iar. I`m already have a bootloader which is working fine with my IAR applications.
Here is the sequence for IAR:
SCB->VTOR = 0x8005000;
4.download app with bootloader and everything working fine. Even i can debug my application
Here is the sequence for VS Code:
SCB->VTOR = 0x8005000;
4.download app with bootloader. The bootloader succsessfully called application but app is not started. maybe it is hard fault but i`m not sure because gebugger is also not working(because of non standart address 0x8005000).
What did i miss? What i have to do to run app?
2022-03-28 10:21 AM
> but app is not started. maybe it is hard fault but i`m not sure because gebugger is also not working
Then you need to get a debugger working by any means.
Install the old new good CubeIDE. It can debug .elf files built outside of it.
It can also load both images at once, with debug symbols, or only the debug symbols.
See the user manual for instructions.