2011-10-25 12:39 AM
We are using STM32f205 processor. We are trying to run the MSC example in Host mode. The PHY selcted was internal FS with HS core. The LCD log is diverted to UART. When we we insert the thumb drive in the USB connector all outputs as given in the example appear on UART( Hyper terminal) till sector size 512. When the exmple enters ''Explore_Disk(''0:/'', 1);'' function. It loops. Afetr analysis of ISRs and USB host functions. We realized that the the ISR is detecting DTERR in HCINTx register. It is always happening while reading sector zero of the thumb drive ( MBR).
We are eagerly looking forward to solution to get over this problem Best Regards VRK SP Rao #usb-dterr-stm32-otg-host-device2011-10-27 10:01 PM
The problem resolved and the issue is closed. Refer to the following post for details.
Created by at 9/6/2011 5:17:04 PM VRK SP Rao2011-10-28 1:50 AM
2011-10-28 1:51 AM
2011-10-28 1:55 AM