2015-12-29 07:18 AM
Hi everyone,
I have some problem with my STM32F105RC board.for USB MSC application.I can write usb stick perfectly but some usb is problem and I can not write. That's why USB always busy with something and I take a communication error from my modbus designed. I think, it is always here;static void BSP_Delay(uint32_t nTime, uint8_t unit){ BSP_delay = nTime; BSP_SetTime(unit); while(BSP_delay != 0); TIM_Cmd(TIM2,DISABLE);}so can you give me some advice?? #stm32f105rc #usb-msc2015-12-29 04:33 PM
You'd have to dig into whether the timer is setup/enabled, and if variables here are volatile. Evaluate what it's using the delay for.
My preference would be to setup the timer to free run, and mark time against the count.