2021-07-01 1:18 PM
I am using STM32F205RET6 customized board and trying to mount the USB flash drive like below, but am getting FRESULT value as 11 (FR_INVALID_DRIVE, /* (11) The logical drive number is invalid */)
FATFS fs0, fs1;
fr = f_mount(&fs1, "1:", 0);
could any one please let me know if am missing anything
2021-07-01 1:27 PM
Lot of material to work with here..
Has any of your custom board and software been tested or validated? What works currently? Got any means of outputting diagnostic information or debugging?
Make sure your DISKIO layers is functional and supportive of the drive/unit/lun you are actually passing in.
Use the debugger,
Instrument the code and test it, as if the lower level code doesn't function correctly, the upper level code has no hope.
Check your USB MSC Host implementation.