2018-10-09 03:34 PM
I can't find the thread on this board but IIRC, it was third quarter and then moved to fourth quarter. Is there a date? Is it likely?
Need to start a project with this part and want to plan accordingly.
2018-10-09 08:14 PM
Don't tie your plans to other people's agendas or priorities, your deadlines aren't theirs.
Build and frame out with the methods available now, and a plan to migrate/refactor to LL when it comes out, or optimize portions of your code that are worth your time.
I'd expect to see some LL support in the next release. Discuss forward looking plans with the FAE supporting your account.
2019-03-14 11:34 AM
ST team, in your last update on this topic, you said the LL support for the STM32H743 would appear in 19Q1. Is that still the plan? Thanks.
2019-03-27 09:26 AM
2019-03-27 11:16 AM
Try your local ST sales office and see if you can wake up a sales rep or FAE.