2018-04-24 10:29 PM
Hello! I'm trying to get DFU works on our customized board.
I tried to use internal DFU Bootloader, using BOOT0, BOOT1 pins
I connected some pins and made BOOT0 HIGH, BOOT1 LOW and plugged in USB Cable, No Luck!
Computer gives 'Unknown Device' so i started to find solution.
and searched through ST community. ended up here and asking for help.
here's where we are.
-. USB
- MCP-DP is Pulled up to 3.3V by 1.5kR ( Made sure it's 1.5kR ) while MCP-DN isn't
- ID Pin is Grounded
- VBUS only goes to power up Regulator which supplies power to STM32F
( i did found VBUS_Sensing is PA9 and tried this method, no luck )
-. STM32F407ZET6
- is working normally ( long as i know ) if connected through main power connector
application doesn't work if powered by USB. ( even with BOOT0 at LOW )
( Does work with main power supply )
- tried every combination of BOOT0, BOOT1 Setting
- Cleared Readout protection ( OPTION BYTES )
- Does have external 8MHz Crystal instead 25MHz
i also ended up trying STM32CUBE's DFU ( example source )
Computer does identifies STM32 in DFU mode, with CODE 10 error ( Cannot start device )
#dfu2018-04-25 2:10 AM
Just Changed 8MHz Crystal to 25MHz!
it works! kind of,
thought i cannot upload anything
i think it's because Internal flash, option bytes, otp memory, device features address are non readable/writeable/eraseable,
I'm trying to find out why!