2015-04-17 4:06 AM
Hi all,
I've just downloaded STM32Cube_FW_F0_V1.2.0 and applied latest patched to upgrade is to V1.2.1. I was expecting it to be fully CMSIS compliant, so for example I could use CMSIS compliant USART interface. So I went to \Drivers\CMSIS folder in STMCube and according to README.txt file there, I should find ''Driver'' folder containing CMSIS compliant drivers. Unfortunately there is no ''Driver'' folder at all. Also ''Pack'' folder is missing. Can you tell me where can I find CMSIS compliant device drivers in STM32Cube v1.2.1 please?Kind regards,Adam #stm32cube #cmsis2015-04-19 11:12 PM
I do not have F0 version but F4, so it may be a bit different. Go to /Drivers/STM32Fxxx_HAL_Driver .