2024-04-30 7:57 AM
I'm having trouble understanding the radio IRQs on STM32WL55. According to the reference manual NVIC section, there is one interrupt line for two interrupt sources (which are ORed together) for the radio:
According to the EXTI section, the EXTI44 line is a "Direct" one and the "EXTI45" one is a "Configurable" one. This means the EXTI45 can be enabled/disabled via the EXTI_CnIMR2 and cleared via the EXTI_PR2 register. The EXTI44 signal however can not be masked or cleared via the EXTI's registers, correct?
Additionally, both EXTI44 and EXTI45 can be used to wake-up the CPUs from standby. This can be enabled via the EWRFIRQ/EWRBUSY bits in PWR_CR3 and PWR_C2CR3 registers. However, this wakeup does not cause an interrupt to be called, only a power-on of the CPU, correct? If the CPUs never enter standby mode, the EWRFIRQ/EWRBUSY bits have no effect, correct?
This however contradicts the following comment from the HAL:
#define LL_PWR_RADIO_BUSY_TRIGGER_WU_IT (PWR_CR3_EWRFBUSY) /*!< Radio busy trigger action: wake-up from low-power mode Standby and interruption sent to the selected CPU. */
When commenting out the following line
In stm32wlxx_hal_subghz.c , the interrupt still happens, indicating the comment is wrong.
This means that the 3 radio IRQs can only be masked in the NVICs registers and via Cfg_DioIrq, correct?
There is also the SUBGHZSPI interrupt, but this is completely independent from this issue. So the complete SubGHZ interrupt structure looks like:
I am asking this because I have trouble addressing a race condition within the SubGHz_Phy middleware / HAL which happens in the following scenario:
A possible solution would be to disable the radio interrupt in the timer interrupt before attempting to send an SPI command. Doing this via Cfg_DioIrq does not work, as the transfer can still be interrupted by the radio IRQ and cause the endless loop as described.
This means the radio IRQ must be disabled using NVIC_DisableIRQ (SUBGHZ_Radio_IRQn) before doing any RF operation in the timer callback, correct?