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STM32WB55RGV6 in mode DFU no update firmware


Hello. I'm a beginner with the STM32WB55RGV6, but I have a lot of experience with other microcontrollers from different manufacturers. I bought a STM32WB55RGV6 NUCLEO development board to load the Flipper Zero firmware onto it. However, I'm facing many difficulties. I aim to establish a firmware development platform to thoroughly understand how everything works. Due to Flipper Zero receiving only criticism for being used inappropriately and not for pentesting, which is my main interest. Flipper Zero had limited access in Brazil. Moreover, the worst part is that the price to acquire one went from $169 to $650, which is very expensive. So, I decided to build a custom Flipper. Could someone provide me with assistance? Thank you.

Michael E
ST Employee


To get started with STM32WB and the ST ecosystem, you can check out the STM32MCU articles

You can find useful information.

Best Regards

Michael E


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