2018-06-09 2:23 AM
I have tried
to use the PWM output on Arduino UNO connector D10 on my STM32F746G Disco.It is a bit confusing because different documentations show different pin sources for this pin.
My Logic Analyzer on my Hardware MB1191 B-01 shows PA8, ARD D10, TIM1 CH1 is the right one...
So my conclusion, ST Cube and schematic pack show the wrong pins PI0, User Manual shows the right Pins in combination with my HW Version MB1191 B-01.
Is this a bug in the documentation and Cube or is there a hardware change on the board and the user manual is to old?
Thanks a lot!
#st-cube #documentation #stm32f746-discovery #bug?2018-06-09 8:40 AM
2018-06-09 10:51 AM
Hi Clive One
then I think the problem seems not to be solved since Jul 22, 2015 ...
2018-06-09 12:54 PM
I think the user manual got fixed, D10=PA8, D5=PI0, but the schematic and CubeMX continue to propagate the original error.
At this point the problem has spread so far and wide it probably isn't something that can ever totally be remedied. Still my original comments seem prescient, it is a pity the port to Jive gnarled up so many of the links, the original test port of the forum to Jive was a lot cleaner.
2018-06-22 12:57 AM
,I confirm it is a bug in CubeMX and it will be fixed in next release.
Thanksfor rising this problem.