2018-04-01 9:52 PM
I recently received the STM32F429I-DISC1, and am trying to get it in DFU mode, and can not no matter what i try. I have attempted to connect, BOOT1, BOOT0 with no success.
I am able to use the ST Link and program the board that way, just want to be able to program the chip in DFU mode, as that is the final goal for my board based on this MCU.
#dfu-bootloader #stm32f429i-disc1 #stm32f4292018-04-02 5:12 AM
Seem to recall the STM32F429I-DISCO using the USB-HS for the user USB connection, and the DFU mode in the System Loader only supporting USB-FS connectivity. Check the schematic.
You have to write/load your own DFU code supporting the USB-HS interface.
2018-04-02 6:50 PM
Thanks Clive. The schematic seems to show the user USB is FS, and not HS. Also I have found instructions on how to do that in older materials, just not sure if the new version of the board, the DISCO1, has any changes in that aspect. Here is the schematic for the USB.
2018-04-02 7:45 PM
It uses PB14/PB15 OTG_HS_DM/OTG_HS_DP, which via the internal PHY works in FS mode
Only works on USB PA11/PA12 OTG_FS_DM/OTG_FS_DP