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STM32F429 Lwip Ethernet disconnects and not able to reconnect automatically to the LAN

Madhu R
Associate II


I am using stm32f429 based eval board with mynewt OS which has lwip stack integrated.

I am facing a problem when i connect device to the LAN (around hundred hosts connected on the same LAN) , as follows.

Performing the ping continuously , successfull for some 10 minutes, after that ping fails saying "Destination unreachable". I am expecting that the device disconnected from the LAN and not able to reconnect to the LAN.

But this doesn't happens if i connect the stm32f429 device and PC to a separate router. Ping succeeded continuously without interruptions for > 2 hours untill i disconnect them.

From this i can say that due heavy traffic device got disconnected to the network, but not able to reconnect.

Any idea that how can i make the device automatically reconnect to the network ? What could be the problem ?



I also have the problem you mentioned. Did you find any solution before?

Chief II