2015-10-30 12:20 PM
I am trying to implement the LWIP_IAP application on the STM32f40g EVAL board. After compiling the project, the program size turns out to be as follows. Program Size: Code=28150 RO-data=3114 RW-data=260 ZI-data=43612 I have attached the map file for reference. 1.What should I define my ''USER_FLASH_FIRST_PAGE_ADDRESS'' in the main.h file. I have defined it as 0x08060000 currently, is that correct? or do I need to define something else? 2.Also, I have used all the default jumper settings, so I am currently using MII mode. If, I want to use RMII mode, do I need to make some software changes? Please help! #flash #lwip #stm32f40geval2015-10-30 2:11 PM
1) Seems sufficiently far away from where the app ends.
2) There's probably a define in main.h something like RMII_MODE vs MII_MODE, and stuff gets initialized in ETH_GPIO_Config(). Grep source on SYSCFG_ETH_MediaInterfaceConfig()