2017-10-23 5:00 AM
I am looking at running USB Host software on the STM32F407VG device, probably using the STM32F407G-DISC1 eval board but haven't ordered it yet.
I downloaded the STM32_USB-Host-Device_Lib_V2.2.0 example code from the link on the device web page.
I built the HOST MSC example, for IAR EWARM, and it built with no issues. However I noticed that it was configured for the the F107 and not the F407 that I want.
This is as far as I have got so before I go any further can I check that this will build for the F407.
Do I just change the CPU target in the project options or do I need to change anything else?
#usb-msc #example-code #stm32-f42017-10-23 6:27 AM
Do I just change the CPU target in the project options or do I need to change anything else?
Command line defines passed to the compiler
Library files for the STM32 family
Start up file for the F4
Make sure any board specific porting is done for pins
Seem to remember Keil having multi projects where the target, typically an EVAL board),could be selected.
2017-10-23 12:10 PM
Thanks for the quick reply. I was mainly worried about the USB module being different between the two devices. Looks like it is the same.
When I looked further at the IAR project I found a build configuration for the 4xG range. I don't know which eval board it builds for so I'll probably have to change it myself, but at least it gets me most of the way. Its the USB bit that's the hard bit not the board support stuff.