2018-04-12 1:59 AM
�We are trying to develop a USB Host HID application where using the controller STM32F4, and the USB stack library available on the ST website, we are trying to send data/command to an USB HID device. But in the library we downloaded from ST site, the host HID application has examples for mouse and keyboard application only.In case of Mouse and keyboard, Host receives but does not transmit back anything while in our application we need to also transmit data.
So do you have any particular HID host example codes or guideline documents for STM32F4xx controller which demonstrates how to interface external USB device TOUCHPAD MOUSE(GP415U-5321) using the ST USB library? �,
The data length is 13 Bytes but i have only receive 4 bytes alone. please help me i could been struggle in more the one week , how can get the remaining Bytes..
#usb-host-fs #hid-mouse2018-04-23 4:17 AM
Hello any one there please reply... I am waiting your reply..
2018-04-23 8:00 AM
I wouldn't expect there to be tailored examples for specific branded devices.
You should perhaps try to work with the support engineers out of the local ST office, or seek to contract with engineers with specific competence and expertise with USB devices, and hosting requirements/methods.
2018-04-26 6:29 AM
Thank you for reply.
It possible to interface USB touch-pad to STM32 evaluation board..?
2018-04-26 7:44 AM
I would imagine unless it has some odd end-point requirements it could be hosted.
Look at the documentation for the touch-pad, review any available Linux source, review behaviour on Windows with a USB Analyzer, and apply this understanding to the STM32 implementation. If you don't have the equipment or competence in these areas consider hiring an engineer on to the project that does.
2018-04-27 1:41 AM
Thanks for your