2013-07-03 6:15 AM
I'm using STM32F217IGH and I'm stuck on a problem with USB FS in host mode. When I'm connectingLow Speed
devices through Full Speed hub, during enumeration, the core generates a port disabled interrupt. The reference manual suggests a port babble error, but i don't know why this is happening. The problem does not ocuur with Full Speed devices. My USB analyzer shows that the last packet send by a host is always PREamble packet (i've attached some screens from analyzer). Regards, Greg #usb-hub-low-speed2016-04-28 7:10 AM
Hi alecs, if you have more specific questions, I suggest you submit an online support ticket at http://www2.st.com/content/st_com/en/support/online-support.html. When you submit, please submit a USB trace log capturing the issue so the assigned FAE can better understand the failure.
Thanks2016-05-18 5:51 AM
Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, Stm support say ''There is an issue in our OTG implementation, there should be published an errata on this point long ago, but so far it is not.
The problem is present on your device.''I synchronized the beginning of all transactions (for LS device) with the beginning of the frame sof
. It working.On error, the interrupt handler
packages. And I can not wait for the start of the frame. Ithas not been decided