2019-11-07 2:47 AM
I want my STM32303E-EVAL to I2C-communicate with the onboard ANT7-M24LR-A simply to monitor the I2C-traffic (I will check out my I2C monitoring tool). It seems to be a good idea to use the BSP driver. The BSP-file stm32303e_eval_eeprom.c contains functions which I may use later on in my project (to be included in my target code). But:
Q1: I cannot see any (Keil uV) project file for the BSP Drivers (under ...STM32Cube_FW_F3_V1.10.0\Drivers\BSP\STM32303E_EVAL). So how can my application then use these BSP divers?
Q2: Can I mix BSP (I2C-) files as e.g. "stm32303e_eval_eeprom.c" into a STM32CubeF3 "HAL project"?
Best regards Terje Bøhler