2018-03-06 12:39 AM
stm32Cube can not install stm32Cubef3 package from local.
The STM32Cube version is 4.24.0, and STM32Cubef3 package version is 1.9.0.
While I tried to install the package from local, error happens:
This Package versions is not managed on this version of STM32CubeMX.
How can I solve it?
#stm32cube-stm32f3-local-package2018-03-06 2:44 AM
,Didyoudownloadthe STM32Cubef3 from ST web site
( ) ?May be you cantry to install the package
automatically from
CubeMX by
Select Help > Manage embedded software packages.
Then let me informed about the result.
Best Regards,
2018-03-06 5:23 AM
hi, Imen,
Yes, I download the package from st official site exactly from the link you gave me.
And I install the package from local, error happens:
2018-03-06 6:10 AM
Try this and see if the problem is fixed or not.
Open the software and in the help option choose check update settings.
Then push the refresh and see if there is a new update or not.
If there was let it update itself and after it was completed restart your PC and see if the problem is fixed or not.
2018-05-04 4:07 AM
You're right, there is a problem in
installingstm32Cubef3 package from local. It will be resolved next CubeMX release : 4.0. In the mean time you can install the
stm32Cubef3 package
automatically from
CubeMX by
Select Help -> Manage embedded software packages ->Select STM32F3 1.9.0 for example -> select Install Now (not from local).