2015-05-15 7:08 AM
I use the stm3210e_eval board.I copmpiled the STM3210E-EVAL_FW_V2.1.0 using the IDE Coocox. everything is Ok.but I have a problem at the level of USB, SDcard and the NAND Flash.In fact, the STM3210E_EVAL support two logical unit number: the SDcard and the NAND flash.I want delete the NAND and keep only the SDcard.So I change uint32_t Max_Lun = 1; to uint32_t Max_Lun = 0; inusb_prop.c
but Windows don't detect the usb connection anymore !I don't understand what !! any helps please ?feel free to ask me more questions if I wasn't clear in the description of my problem.thanks #usb #sdcard #stm3210e_eval2015-05-15 10:18 AM
You'll need to wade through the MSC code.
The number of LUNs is reported via USB descriptors as I recall, and one of the SCSI commands. Each SCSI command has a LUN field and you'll have to check how they decode that and apply it.You could look at some of the other USB library implementation, I've done a single SDCARD implementation, and an STM32F429I-DISCO SDRAM-DISK one.