2018-06-28 5:20 AM
I am installing Eclipse on my laptop for STM32 development on windows 10 64 bit.I want to install STM32 V2 USB driver as a part of installation.when I have visited STM website, it's asking me to login and download the software.I have logged on,even though i don't any download option on that page. if anyone knows please share the link
#eclipse #usb #driver-issue #stm32f407vet62018-06-28 6:23 AM
You're looking for ST-Link/V2 driver, it is
.Click on the blue 'Get software' button at bottom of the page. If you're already logged on, this button will read 'Download'.
It will download a zip file. Unpack it, then run stlink_winusb_install.bat as administrator.
- pa
2018-07-28 2:22 AM
i got STLink USB Communication error,how could i resolved this issue