2016-05-19 10:59 AM
Hi all.
My product is based STM32F030 and uses Digi Xbee s8 for wireless communication.The Xbee module is connected to microcontroller over UART2. I am using STM cube lib for my development. I am trying to establish communication between two Xbee devices. The problem is when i operate device in debug mode all the communication takes place very fast, But if i disable debug and try to communicate it takes a significant time. I have absolutely no clue what magic the debugger does but it works.Can anybody help me with this?Thanks..!! #no-hablo-hal #stm32-uart-xbee2016-05-19 3:51 PM
The debugger likely alters the timing slightly and may enable additional clocks and dbgmcu settings.
You should review your interactions with the XBee, making sure to deal with any command/response processing when configuring. There are other ways to debug code than step through it with SWD/JTAG pod.2016-05-20 12:30 AM
Thanks for the reply..!!!
Are you suggesting there would be something wrong with my clock settings?Because the communication happens but there is delay, if i dont run in debug mode.What part of the code should i look into?I rechecked the interaction with Xbee and didnt find a problem.Can there be a problem with peripheral clock settings?Plz help.Thanks..!!!2016-05-20 8:27 AM
Are you suggesting there would be something wrong with my clock settings?
You're complaining things aren't working, I'm indicating areas where the debugger distorts reality. I suspect you're not communicating with the XBee the way it expects, whether that is command/response sequencing, flow-control, I don't know. You have all the hardware/software, you'll have to analyze what's going on.