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SPI Speed delay nucleo H755

Associate II

Good day,

I've been working on getting an external adc on the nucleo H755ziq to work at max speed. The adc can reach up to 1 million samples a second with a clock cycle time of 10ns. Problem is that it's only seeming to go at a speed of 60ns per clock cycle. Spi is set at 200mhz with a /2 prescaler on an external 48mhz crystal. Any idea why it's getting this 60ns speed instead of 10ns? Ive set the GPIO for spi to very high speed as well encase that was the issue.


Prescaler was set to 2. I have found out it's something to do with the crystal that's been put on the board. The crystal custom modded on the board is a 48mhz crystal, but HSE is still using the 8mhz crystal that's on the board by default. Ill have to find a datasheet for the board and figure out if it has been mounted/connected properly

So just set the clock tree , using 8M , and then check spi speed.

And always, if "maybe" clock problem, -> check with a scope on MCO , the internal clock is really what you expect !

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