2018-12-03 7:46 PM
I'm observing a strange phenomenon with F722 in which RTC device is left in some undefined state that it is totally invisible after boot loader activity.
When a system start to run immediately from the boot loader by means of DFU execute application request, RTC registers reads all zero and RTC is not responding to any read/write operations. The same code runs successfully on F745/F746.
A reset (hard or soft) seems to clear this state and resume normal operation until next boot loader activity.
Anyone have heard of this phenomenon?
This is a codelet that runs immediately from Reset_Handler.
This is what I see immediately after boot loading:
(gdb) p *RTC
$98 = {TR = 0, DR = 0, CR = 0, ISR = 0, PRER = 0, WUTR = 0, reserved = 0,
ALRMAR = 0, ALRMBR = 0, WPR = 0, SSR = 0, SHIFTR = 0, TSTR = 0, TSDR = 0,
TSSSR = 0, CALR = 0, TAMPCR = 0, ALRMASSR = 0, ALRMBSSR = 0, OR = 0,
BKP0R = 0, BKP1R = 0, BKP2R = 0, BKP3R = 0, BKP4R = 0, BKP5R = 0, BKP6R = 0,
BKP7R = 0, BKP8R = 0, BKP9R = 0, BKP10R = 0, BKP11R = 0, BKP12R = 0,
BKP13R = 0, BKP14R = 0, BKP15R = 0, BKP16R = 0, BKP17R = 0, BKP18R = 0,
BKP19R = 0, BKP20R = 0, BKP21R = 0, BKP22R = 0, BKP23R = 0, BKP24R = 0,
BKP25R = 0, BKP26R = 0, BKP27R = 0, BKP28R = 0, BKP29R = 0, BKP30R = 0,
BKP31R = 0}
And this is after additional soft reset:
(gdb) p *RTC
$99 = {TR = 0, DR = 8449, CR = 0, ISR = 7, PRER = 8323327, WUTR = 65535,
reserved = 0, ALRMAR = 0, ALRMBR = 0, WPR = 0, SSR = 0, SHIFTR = 0,
TSTR = 0, TSDR = 0, TSSSR = 0, CALR = 0, TAMPCR = 0, ALRMASSR = 0,
ALRMBSSR = 0, OR = 0, BKP0R = 1113941553, BKP1R = 0, BKP2R = 0,
BKP3R = 3405709037, BKP4R = 0, BKP5R = 0, BKP6R = 0, BKP7R = 0, BKP8R = 0,
BKP9R = 0, BKP10R = 0, BKP11R = 0, BKP12R = 0, BKP13R = 0, BKP14R = 0,
BKP15R = 0, BKP16R = 0, BKP17R = 0, BKP18R = 0, BKP19R = 0, BKP20R = 0,
BKP21R = 0, BKP22R = 0, BKP23R = 0, BKP24R = 0, BKP25R = 0, BKP26R = 0,
BKP27R = 0, BKP28R = 0, BKP29R = 0, BKP30R = 0, BKP31R = 12345}
2018-12-03 11:14 PM
What's the state of RCC and PWR registers, in both cases?
2018-12-04 4:12 AM
Thanks! That was it. F722 boot loader turns off RCC_APB1ENR's RTCAPBEN. Adding call to __HAL_RCC_RTC_CLK_ENABLE() restored the access to the RTC device.
2018-12-04 4:13 AM
Btw, the F722 boot loader also turns off DBP in PWR, but it was taken care by HAL_PWR_EnableBkUpAccess().
2018-12-04 4:56 AM
Hah! RTCAPBEN is unique to F72x. It does not exist in F74x and F75x. As H7 does have it, ST seems to have decided somewhere between F74x/F75x and F72x that RTC could be turned off.
2018-12-04 5:29 AM
Nice catch!
It appears to be a recent addition to the STM32s - as you've said, the older 'F74x does not have it, but the 'F767 does. Similarly, in the 'L4xx subfamily, the oldest 'L476 does not have it; newer models in both higher and lower end of the subfamily do.
Most of the STM32 that have this bit have it by default set to 1 (enabled) - the 'F72x appears to be the exception....
PS. Please mark your answer as "Best"