2013-10-30 2:31 AM
I'm just preparing an GPLv2 open source project for release on github. The program runs on a STM32F4 and uses CMSIS, StdPeriph Library and the USB Device Library. I'd like to include verbatim, unmodified copies of the libraries in a ''Libs'' subdirectory of my project repository, so that users may compile and update the project with the least amount of hassle. After having read the ''Liberty'' (??) license, I'm quite confused -- does that mean that open source projects may not include the .c-Files in the project repository? What about header & object files? http://www.st.com/software_license_agreement_liberty_v2 This would be a major PITA, and would seriously harm any open source effort for the STM32 platform. best regards, Thomas Kindler #stm32f4-cmsis-stdperiph2013-10-30 4:24 AM
If you want a legal opinion consult with an attorney/lawyer.
If you want to discuss legal issues with ST, contact their legal dept.2013-10-30 4:47 AM
Do you know any STM32F4 open source projects that have solved this problem?
2013-11-01 6:08 AM
Dear all,
You can refer to our Presentation available on all of our MCUs webpages to get all details regarding Embedded Software and full portfolio and several licensing models : Standard Library is covered in Page 7 by ''Liberty V2'' License agreement, which is here attached. ( See attachment) We have an error with short link on our web pages and instead it is re-directed to ''Image V2'', Sorry for that inconvenience, we will fix it. Sources includes all ( .c / .h etc... files). The liberty license agreement is important for our products and MCUs as unfortunately, we found thanks to the success of our STM32 Series other parties/silicon providers copying the same headers files and sources files and doing silicon with same @ memories as STM32 as ''pure clone of STM32'' but not produced by STMicro. So it is important to agree all sections before using our solutions. Cheers, STOne- ________________ Attachments : MCD-ST_Liberty_SW_License_Agreement_V2.pdf : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0z1&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bgZ%2FziAFJhjPFfkM6CFuZIlokisfqplUVcPCei.EVNIFm68&asPdf=false2013-11-01 8:46 AM
Do you know any STM32F4 open source projects that have solved this problem?
Disclaimer : I am not a lawyer, this is not legal advice, you can be sued for any reason, getting legal advice, or acting lawfully, is not a prophylactic against legal action by others. I do not work for, or represent, ST. Yes, and I think your problem is that you're trying to write/use a license that exceeds YOUR work product. Don't SUB-LICENSE the work of OTHERS, the users have to agree to use that code under the terms of the ORIGINAL LICENSE, not yours. By agreeing to YOUR license, they get to use YOUR code. By agreeing to ST's license, they get to use ST's code. As I understand ST's position, the two primary things that will get you in trouble are, Use of code/libraries on NON ST Silicon (competitors, pirates, counterfeiters, etc), the inference of ANY liability/responsibility/indemnification with respect to the IP and use thereof. Nothing here protects you against PATENT or COPYRIGHT action by others. Provide a clear and effective means for people to contact you directly. If you get a C&D request respond to it and deal with the issues.