2014-02-28 4:10 AM
I'm trying to port a Java SIP stack (http://www.mjsip.org/mjsipME.html) to the stm3240g board. MJSIP already did a port of their sip stack to cldc1.1 so I thought I could go straight ahead.It seems that the cldc1.1 which comes with microej does not support all the classes which are required by mjsip.Is there a way to extend the cldc? I know that I can extend the JPF with fragments, but I can't find any application notes or manuals on how to add classes to the cldc.Thanks for help! #java-evaluationboards #stm3240g-eval #audio2014-05-27 7:28 AM
CLDC available in MicroEJ / STM32Java is not a subset of CLDC. It normally provide (support, to use customer's word) all the classes. I suppose that you need classes that are outside CLDC.
You cannot add classes inside CLDC, since CLDC is a library and cannot be modified. But it is possible to create the missing classes. For instance, if java.net.Socket is needed, it can be create in a MicroEJ Java project.
Best regards Phil