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Should I have to modify any of the code w/in CDC_standalone from the STM32F469I_Eval/Applications/USB_Device for it to work on an STM32F479?

Associate II
Associate II

I've tried flashing the unmodified app onto a STM32F479 on a custom PCB (not an eval board) via J-Flash lite using the .bin file under the project's debug folder in the STM32CubeIDE and I don't see any STM com ports enumerating in device manager.


F469 and F479 are identical apart from crypto functions, so USB code should work provided your hardware is compatible between devices. Does the code work on STM32F469-EVAL? Do clock initialize correctly? Does your custom board otherwise work?

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Make sure you have the clocking right for your board, along with pins and HS vs FS USB.

Check HSE_VALUE, that clock starts, and PLL setting are correct, and 48 MHz PLL is at the right frequency.

F479 vs F469 should have identical functionality with regard to USB

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Thank for your response! I changed my HSE_VALUE to match that of my external Oscillator( OSC_IN/OSC_OUT right?). Because of how the MCU is broken out onto my PCB, my USB interfacing has to be conducted over pins PB14 and PB15 which means I have to use the HS. Do I still need to worry about PLL configuration? What did you mean by clock starts, are there additional _init functions I should be calling in main? Are there additional components required for using HS vs FS?

Thanks for the response! Unfortunately I don't have an Eval board to work with. Yes, the custom board is otherwise functional. I don't know what all I have to do make sure the clock is initialized correctly other than set the HSE_VALUE to the frequency of my external oscillator.

Associate II

Also, I shouldn't need STM's Virtual Com Port app if I'm on Windows 10/11 right?