2019-12-02 11:13 AM
I'm trying to perform some QSPI commands using the HAL_QSPI_Command_IT function but the MCU always gets stuck in the HAL QSPI IRQ function indefinitely. When using HAL_QSPI_Command instead it works fine. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I want to use the interrupt version because I'm also using FreeRTOS and want to let other threads use the processor while waiting for the command to complete.
To give a little more info here, if I use any of the commands that work in either blocking or interrupt mode the interrupt mode version always encounters an interrupt that doesn't get handled by the QSPI IRQ function and therefore blocks the other threads forever. If I use the blocking function everything works correctly.
I should also note that I'm using the STM32746 Discovery Kit and basically just trying to reproduce the QSPI ReadWrite IT example code. This leads me to believe I've missed some critical configuration but so far I can't see any differences in my setup versus the example. I'm using STM32CubeIDE too.
Doug Burrell
2022-01-03 9:52 PM
I have same problem with code generated by cubemx. If project generate with empty configure then port QSPI example to run there is no problem.