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Problem with thread startup after power cycle on embedded application

Associate II


My application is loaded via flash memory. Four threads are created and they seem to be generated correctly because when the board is connected to the computer, all the threads run well. But if I disconnect the power and then turn it back on, the threads no longer run.

Systick is used for ThreadX and TIM6 is used for HAL-Tick.

But the scheduler does not start the threads. I do not understand why. I am new to threads.

Has anyone encountered a similar problem and have solutions to suggest? Please

I am attaching the file app_thread.c

Chief II


i think, this has nothing to do with threads.

Just make a simple test program, just flashing a LED (if you have one there on a pin). no RTOS/thread .

Use same clock tree setting and flashing mode.

Then check: is this program running after power cycle ?

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Thanks for your reply.

Before calling MX_ThreadX_Init();

void MX_ThreadX_Init(void)
  /* USER CODE BEGIN  Before_Kernel_Start */

  /* USER CODE END  Before_Kernel_Start */


  /* USER CODE BEGIN  Kernel_Start_Error */

  /* USER CODE END  Kernel_Start_Error */

in the main.c file, I make the leds blink and on startup it does. But after MX_ThreadX_Init(), nothing happens