2019-05-27 7:01 AM
I've been struggling for several days in trying to make a working audio example on my STM32F746 Discovery board.
I have studied the datasheet of the codec, of SAI, I2S and the examples given in the STM32F7 firmware package.
I have succeeded in making them work (audio loopback and audio recording and playback). All is fine and I understood how it works.
The problem is, I want to make it work in my existing project, built with STM32CubeMx (I'm using freertos and TouchGFX).
Have you ever succeded in making work audio with STM32CubeMX? I didn't succeed in initialize the mcu...
Thank you for your help,Charles
2019-05-28 1:29 AM
Hi @Community member,
I haven't tried making audio work on F746-DISCO using CubeMX, personally. I've tagged the post with an additional #STM32CubeMX to help you get some more answers to this.
2019-05-28 1:30 AM
Okay, i still don't see the post in the STM32CubeMX forum and i can't edit your post to add it.
2019-05-28 1:36 AM
It seems that your tag works, my post does appear in #STM32CubeMX , thank you. I didn't thought of that tag!
2019-05-28 2:10 AM
Oh okay! It helped just mentioning it in my reply. I figured out how to add the STM32CubeMX topic.
2019-06-11 1:03 AM
Did you get anywhere with this, @Community member ?
2019-06-11 1:16 AM
Yes, I resolved my problem, thank you for caring!
Because ST examples and TouchGFX are not using CubeMX natively yet, they were using SDRAM and initializing it separately. I deleted the initialization in both of them and made a general initialization of the SDRAM.
I had other problems with DMA callbacks concerning the audio part but it was not severe, a little bit of debugger and it was solved.
Thank you!
2019-06-11 1:42 AM
That's great to hear!
Hopefully, everything will be CubeMX/CubeIDE-ified and fully functional at some point.