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PNG compression

Associate II


i'm using the NUCLEO U575ZI-Q board I want to compress some data I collect from analog sensors via png encoding in order to take advantage of compression, how can I do it? Are there special libraries for that?

I don't need to have the .png file but just encode the data with png encoding.

Thanks You.


I'm sure there a graphics library, commercially, or whatever, that provide PNG format support. Find something and port it to the platform.

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Pavel A.
Evangelist III

EmWin has .png support as extension (available from Segger, IIRC free). It should work for the ST emWin branch too. IIRC quite complicated, and pulls in some [de]compression code under unclear license. Of course, the decompression needs extra RAM and execution time.


Thanks. It seems that STemWin is used when displays are present, I just need to encode the data in PNG format and then transmit it via LTE and I don't have a display. Also reading here it does not appear that the NUCLEO U575ZI-Q is supported. Can you confirm this for me? Are there any alternatives to encode data in PNG ?

Eh grazie ar cazzo


@Rturo So you need to create .png images on stm32?  On a rich host (PC, cloud) there are various libraries for converting images, even OpenCV


Yes, I want to encode a png image on stm32, how can I do it?

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Hmm... port any existing tool to bare metal ARM32? This will take a bit of research.

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Actually the research here is very simple, can be summarized in one sentence. Segger can sell you everything you need, right now - but it will cost you (obviously).