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PHY ETH implementation


Hi, community!

As I am dealing with STM32 at the first time, I need help. With my colleague we are doing our first project on STM32 (stm32F767ZITx). We need TCP/IP, so I've added to project FreeRTOS-PLUS. According to FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP Networking Tutorial point 3, I must

Add the common PHY handling implementation to the project if the network interface

Does this means adding files to project (I've added to project directory <Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx>)?

Have I to tune in `*.ioc` our hardware?

Thank you in advance!

ST Employee

Hello @braboar ,

If you are following this tutorial, you don't have to do any modifications to your IOC file as you will be adding the source file you need by hand.
The step 3 is describing the network interface to build on to establish TCP connection which is in you case the Ethernet and PHY config files.
If you are just getting started and you want a quick way to make a working project, you can go the other way by integrating FreeRtos with LWIP via CubeMX you can see the example Projects/STM32F767ZI-Nucleo/Applications/LwIP/LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS in the STM32CubeF7 repo 
which can be obtained from this link  or accessed via Github .


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