2020-07-31 2:08 AM
I have shorted BOOT0 pin to Vdd of Nucl0-H743ZI2 and wanted to issue bootloader commands over I2C bus(PF0 & PF1 are used).
I am observing RED led to be turned ON as soon as bootloader is loaded and i am not getting ACK from H743 .
But if bootloader is being loaded through application by using boot address 0x1FF09800, i am able to send bootloader commands to H743.
below settings used:
I2C speed: up to 400 KHz,7-bit address, slave mode, analog filter ON.
Slave 7-bit address: 0b1001110x
where x = 0 for write and x = 1 for read)
PF1 pin: clock line.
PF0 pin: data line .
Is there any issue with bootloader if i try executing through BOOT pin setting?
2020-07-31 2:48 AM
> Is there any issue with bootloader if i try executing through BOOT pin setting?
Should work.
While BOOT0 is shorted to VDD, you need to reset the chip by pulling NRST low temporarily. After that, it should be in bootloader mode and send an ACK.
It will respond to the first supported peripheral it sees, so if you have USB connected, for example, it'll load the USB DFU bootloader and not respond on I2C.
2020-07-31 2:51 AM
thanks for your Input, reset been done,
I am powering through SDLINK USB, hope this wont load USB DFU bootloader.
2020-07-31 3:13 AM
> I am powering through SDLINK USB, hope this wont load USB DFU bootloader.
I assume you mean the onboard ST-Link connector. No, this will not cause the USB DFU bootloader to run. Connecting to the USB connector on the other side of the board will.
2020-07-31 3:23 AM
made a typo :( its ST-LINK.
HW configuration seems fine but dont understand why not getting ACK from H743.
i have loaded bootloader through application using boot address as 0x1FF09800, with this getting ACK from H743.