2020-01-24 12:32 PM
I have tried setup into device all of kind CA certificates from AWS https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/server-authentication.html
followin instruction from ST but nothing help!! Only errors:
*** AWS connectivity demonstration ***
AWS IoT SDK Version 2.1.1-
MQTT connection in progress: Attempt 1/3 ...
C:\STM32_IoT_Cloud_Workspace_V1.0.1\Middlewares\Third_Party\mbedTLS\library\ssl_tls.c:4454: x509_verify_cert() returned -9984 (-0x2700)
ERROR: iot_tls_connect L#303 failed
! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -0x2700
ERROR: iot_tls_connect L#311 Unable to verify the server's certificate. Either it is invalid,
or you didn't set ca_file or ca_path to an appropriate value.
2020-01-27 4:33 AM
I have exactly the same problem and also looking for an answer to this one.
I've created the AWS certificates and installed as per instructions and I get the same error.
(We have been able to successfully create AWS certificates for other (Non-STM32) based platforms we are using)
2020-01-27 7:13 PM
@VChur.1 ... I managed to get it working.
When you download the software from this site ... https://my.st.com/content/my_st_com/en/products/embedded-software/mcu-mpu-embedded-software/stm32-embedded-software/stm32cube-expansion-packages/x-cube-aws.html ...
... you have the option of "Download" ... "Get Software" or "Previous Versions" ... "1.2.1". I found that version 1.2.1 worked from me.
2020-01-31 1:15 PM
@AKlei.1 Thank you for this information! Please help me how to add expansion package (x-cube-aws for example) to STM32CUBE IDE ?
I cant find any information about it ... for example, if I try to add via "help/Embedded Software Packages Manager" it write me "Problem during load of selected File" - "Invalid zip file or missing expected Pdsc file within pack root directory."
And many "water" information about "Expansion Packages" and none instruction how to add it to STM32CubeIDE !!!!!!
2020-02-02 3:39 PM
@VChur.1 , Sorry I'm not using the STM32CUBE IDE
2020-02-16 3:54 PM
Setting the RTC from the network time.
C:\GP_Store\IoT\X-CUBE-AWS_1.2.x\Firmware\Middlewares\Third_Party\mbedTLS\library\ssl_tls.c:4587: x509_verify_cert() returned -9984 (-0x2700)
Configuring the RTC from Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2020 23:53:52 GMT
AWS IoT SDK Version 2.2.1-
MQTT connection in progress: Attempt 1/3 ...
C:\GP_Store\IoT\X-CUBE-AWS_1.2.x\Firmware\Middlewares\Third_Party\mbedTLS\library\ssl_tls.c:4587: x509_verify_cert() returned -9984 (-0x2700)
ERROR: iot_tls_connect L#316 failed
! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -0x2700
ERROR: iot_tls_connect L#324 Unable to verify the server's certificate. Either it is invalid,
or you didn't set ca_file or ca_path to an appropriate value.
Alternatively, you may want to use auth_mode=optional for testing purposes.
MQTT connection in progress: Attempt 2/3 ...
C:\GP_Store\IoT\X-CUBE-AWS_1.2.x\Firmware\Middlewares\Third_Party\mbedTLS\library\ssl_tls.c:4587: x509_verify_cert() returned -9984 (-0x2700)
ERROR: iot_tls_connect L#316 failed
! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -0x2700
ERROR: iot_tls_connect L#324 Unable to verify the server's certificate. Either it is invalid,
or you didn't set ca_file or ca_path to an appropriate value.
Alternatively, you may want to use auth_mode=optional for testing purposes.
MQTT connection in progress: Attempt 3/3 ...
C:\GP_Store\IoT\X-CUBE-AWS_1.2.x\Firmware\Middlewares\Third_Party\mbedTLS\library\ssl_tls.c:4587: x509_verify_cert() returned -9984 (-0x2700)
ERROR: iot_tls_connect L#316 failed
! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -0x2700
ERROR: iot_tls_connect L#324 Unable to verify the server's certificate. Either it is invalid,
or you didn't set ca_file or ca_path to an appropriate value.
Alternatively, you may want to use auth_mode=optional for testing purposes.
ERROR: subscribe_publish_sensor_values L#293 Error(-4) connecting to al4gd4utaq9sl-ats.iot.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com:8883
*** Cloud connectivity demonstration ***
Cloud connectivity demonstration completed