2018-06-15 6:53 AM
I created a webpage associated with the IP address of my Discovery board. The page allows you to choose a txt file and send it to the board.
What I want to do is receive the txt file and read what is inside. I know I have to implement a code to match the POST method implemented in the webpage.
I think I have to use a function like httpd_post_receive_data() that I found in httpd.h but I don't know how to use it..
Is there any example that shows this part? or other ways to do it?
#stm32f7 #discovery #lwip2018-06-15 1:38 PM
,one option is to use as you mentioned, but I would suggest you to go with NETCONN API and handle server with it.
In this case you need RTOS to handle multi-threading for you, but data processing will be linear and much more easier for you.
Please check for Netconn_server_RTOS examples in your favourite STM32Cube package. There is server for HTTP webpage and you may rewrite it to handlePOST instead ofGET in the first data packet.
Best regards,
2018-06-18 7:10 AM
Thanks for the advice
. Anyway I would like to avoid the use of RTOS since it is already a pretty big project.Any other way to do it without an operating system?
I noticed functions such ashttpd_post_receive_data() orhttpd_post_finished() that may be suitable to my purpose. Does anyone know if these functions can be used and how to use them? (for example I don't know what the connection requested in input really is..)