2023-09-21 6:46 AM
Working on different projects, I would like to implement a library that could either printf/write on FatFS logs, debugs informations, ...
I'm wondering if there are any existant library that could do the job. Looking on STM32 references, I have found FP-SNS-DATALOG1 function pack. But it seems that it is done only to log sensors informations. I dont seems build to log strings and so on.
I'm looking for a lib that could implement TRACE with different level, and where I could choose if the trace are output to the UART or to a FATFs file (SDCard in my case). I would appreciate to have the possibility to timestamp the logs.
The difficulty is that, as I am working with FreeRTOS, so the lib should work with different task working together.
Do you know any ressources that could do the job or at least by a start?
Thank you all