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I am unable to connect board in STM programmer

Associate III

Hello Team,

I am unable to connect STM32H745 DISC board to STM programmer to erase the code, Also in STM cube ide software unable flash code, can you confirm how to check the read protection.

PLEASE find attachment encloser. 


Best Regards,
Gagan Gowda 


ST Employee

Hello @ggowd.1

Check that your STLink firmware is up to date. Try "Connect under reset" mode.

Also check this article 

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If the code gets the LDO/SMPS settings wrong, there is a method to connect BOOT0 pad to VCC and power cycle the board a couple of time. When able to connect mass erase to remove your code.

You'd need to pull the schematic to double check the resistor pad. There's probably a post or tutorial on this. Dig a little.

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Hello @Tesla DeLorean 

Yes, I did wrong setting in LDO/SMPS then shorted BOOT0 and VDD now able to connect and erase code. Removed short connection between BOOT0 and VDD. When debugging code, the control is at error handler is there any changes to be done at my end??


Find error below

while((__HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG(RCC_FLAG_D2CKRDY) != RESET) && (timeout-- > 0));
 if ( timeout < 0 )

Best Regards,
Gagan Gowda 

Hello @Sarra.S 

I did wrong setting in LDO/SMPS then shorted BOOT0 and VDD now able to connect and erase code. Removed short connection between BOOT0 and VDD. When debugging code, the control is at error handler is there any changes to be done at my end??


Find error below

while((__HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG(RCC_FLAG_D2CKRDY) != RESET) && (timeout-- > 0));
 if ( timeout < 0 )

Best Regards,
Gagan Gowda