2017-03-04 1:03 PM
I'm new to STM32, I've set up Eclipse with the OpenSTM32 plugin, STM32CubeMX and can upload and run simple 'blink' programs to
). Now, I'm trying to create a simple USB mass storage device with it, and when the board is connected to the computer (running Windows 10), there's an error message saying 'device descriptor request failed.'I believe my USB clock is ok at 48 MHz, the board appears to have a 8 MHz crystal.
I've attached the STM32CubeMX report PDF.
Any advice on what could have gone wrong? How do I even approach debugging this?
#mass-storage #usb2017-03-04 1:43 PM
Replying to myself because I've found the problem. I only configured USB_OTG_FS in STM32CubeMX to Device-only mode, and left USB_OTG_HS Disabled. I've since changed USB_OTG_HS to 'Internal FS Phy: Device_Only', and USB_DEVICE class for HS IP to 'Mass Storage Class' (the same as for FS IP), and now it appears to be working. More testing is pending...
2017-03-27 9:00 AM
I recommend that you have a look to the MSC_Standalone example in STM32CubeF4 firmware package which describes how to use USB device application based on the Mass Storage Class (MSC) on the STM32F4xx devices: STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.15.0\Projects\STM324xG_EVAL\Applications\USB_Device\MSC_Standalone.
and I hope this
helps you.Imen