2021-06-27 11:36 PM
I need to transfer 2 M Bytes of data via USB virtual com port of STM32F429 microcontroller, withing 2-4 seconds.
I am using the USB standard libraries available on ST website. I have successfully transfered small strings, But when it comes to the large data.
2021-06-28 6:12 AM
> I have successfully transfered small strings, But when it comes to the large data.
So why can't you transfer long strings? I should be functionally the same as small string, except you'll need to buffer and wait for the previous transfer to complete before sending more.
2021-06-29 9:52 PM
Thank you for replying
Can you tell me which function can be used to check whether precious transfer is complete.
I am using "STM32F USB Drivers & Liberary". So is there any library that contains such a function to check a flag for data transfer complete?
2021-06-29 9:59 PM
Please don't make duplicate posts.