2010-06-22 3:07 AM
How to run the STM32F107_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.0 example? STM32F10C-EVAL BOARD
#stm32f10c-lwip2011-05-17 4:55 AM
Hi Peter, if just for effect you can try
NicheLite TCP/IP stack for the STM32F107xx microcontroller, can download here called AN3000
There is a readme.txt in directory, hope can help. If you can speak Chinese I can show you step by step:)
2011-05-17 4:55 AM
thanks for your reply,jia !
the question that i have is not that how to config the lwip, but just how to use that example from st.com,on my stm32f10c-eval kit. (these functions,eg. , web server, hello world etc) i want to see what can i do for our project,from this example. we are very interesting in ethernet.(lwip). but i am new to this. when i run that program example and chosed the mode( eg. MII, RMII mode ,changed the IP) , but finally found that, didn't not implement those functions. jia, thanks again , i need your help. i can talk with you in Chinese, infact , my Chinese is much better than my English2011-05-17 4:55 AM
Hi Peter, there is a IP address, you can type
in your browser, that can show you STM32F107_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.0 example, then run cmd and type: telnet, you can touch the hello world example, if a firewall running on your pc, be sure it allowed your action. If you want, please try what I said ASAP, I can not expose my device all day long:)Read your post, I sure you can make your board test done soon, that's all what I can do, good luck!