2020-02-11 8:49 PM
I'm trying a USB HID on the STM32F103C8 Evb board which circuit's attached.
The steps for a USB HID programming are
(1) Generating HAL codes using STM32CubeMX.
(2) Compiling the source codes using turestduio.
(3) downloading the .hex on the evb board.
As a result. PC tells "Unknown USB Device(error code 43)" when plugged a USB Cable.
so. I checked the source codes with a printf.
Below are the functions called in sequences.
(1) void HAL_PCD_IRQHandler(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd) : ISR
(2) PCD_EP_ISR_Handler();
(3) HAL_PCD_SetupStageCallback(hpcd);
(4) USBD_LL_SetupStage();
(5) USBD_StdDevReq(pdev, &pdev->request);
(6) USBD_GetStatus(pdev, req);
(7) USBD_CtlError(); -> because of if (req->wLength != 0x2U) { USBD_CtrlError(); }
(8) USBD_LL_StallEP()
(9) HAL_PCD_EP_SetStall()
(10) USB_EP0_OutStart(); there is the empty code in this function.
I attached my source codes.
please kindly review these and send me any ideas to fix the problem.
Thanks in advances