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Hi Team, We want ask you that do you provide program for stack of usb composite device (ST Micro USB)? Thanks, Navneet Mishra

Associate II


What STM32 are you talking about, there's like a hundred at this point?

What board specifically are you talking about?

Have you looked at the CubeF4 (or appropriate) repository, there are USB Host and Device examples for a selection of USB Classes.

This is what is available. Not much else

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Associate II

I am asking about STM32CubeMX.

USB CDC Program Stack is available ? (Composite device)

Yes, the latest USBD library has a "composite builder". And several CDC classes.

The best thing about these libraries is the price tag. You get the code free, then pay with your time and nerve cells.

Hi Pavel,

if we use CDC Composite stack. will you support us if we face any issue related to CDC/HID Composite stack while using with our project?

I'd imagine paid support and contracting are available for most things.

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Associate II

STM32L452CET Controller support tinyUSB?

how much cost needed for support? anybody else used these usb stack earlier in working project?

Chief II

> will you support us

Of course we all will. The world revolves around you!

> anybody else used these usb stack

No, you will be the first one. Not even the developers themselves used those stacks!

If you would actually develop code instead asking those useless questions, you would be up and running with some demo in few hours...