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Has Anyone Successfully Implemented Micro-ROS UDP on STM32F7?


Hi everyone,

I am trying to implement Micro-ROS over UDP on an STM32F7 (Nucleo-F767ZI), but I keep running into hard fault errors. I am using LWIP with FreeRTOS in STM32CubeIDE.

So far, I have:

  • Successfully built and integrated Micro-ROS into my project using serial transport.
  • Configured LWIP for UDP and able to ping the board.
  • Initialized Micro-ROS with a UDP transport, but the system crashes with a hard fault.

Has anyone successfully gotten Micro-ROS over UDP working on an STM32F7? If so, could you share:

  1. Any specific LWIP settings that need to be changed?
  2. The correct way to handle memory allocation (heap/stack sizes) for Micro-ROS?
  3. Debugging tips for tracing the cause of the hard fault error?

Any insights or working examples would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!