2019-01-11 5:28 AM
I am trying to test MPU support in FreeRTOS on STM32L476G-EVAL board.
In addition to common files like tasks.c, queue.c etc., I added below files for MPU support to my project.
1.) port.c (for ARM_CM4_MPU)
2.) mpu_wrappers.c
3) event_groups.c
And also modified linker file, adding modified memory layout needed by this port.c file for MPU configuration.
But, when i create a restricted task using "xTaskCreateRestricted" API, it crashes inside "prvAddNewTaskToReadyList".
What else am i missing , with regards to configuring FreeRTOS for MPU support for tasks.
Below is the stack for this crash (if it helps):
Thread #1 (Suspended : Signal : SIGTRAP:Trace/breakpoint trap)
debugHardfault() at stm32l4xx_it.c:97 0x80042ae
<signal handler called>() at 0xfffffff9
prvAddNewTaskToReadyList() at tasks.c:1,030 0x8000c9e
xTaskCreateRestricted() at tasks.c:663 0x8000e16
MPU_xTaskCreateRestricted() at mpu_wrappers.c:104 0x80069b0
main() at main.c:156 0x8004162
2019-01-12 10:11 PM
In my case of CubeMX v5.01, FreeRTOS does not work with the default setting. I created a new project with the selection of FreeRTOS only. Stil the StartDefaultTask() crashes (or stuck somewhere). Changing Timebase Source from SysTick to any other TIM does not help. Something about FreeRTOS seems to be broken after CubeMX v5