2011-05-19 6:27 AM
I am using ev board for stm32 md value line. I would like to check its bootloader option. From reading arround i saw there is a pc program named:flash loader demonstrator (by ST) where can i download it from? Thanks - Udi #stm32-bootloader #flash-loader-demonstrator-dsicovery-board2011-05-20 12:44 PM
Pick any STM32F1xx part, Select ''Design Support'' tab, scroll to ''SW DEMOS''
http://www.st.com/internet/mcu/product/216821.jsp http://www.st.com/internet/com/SOFTWARE_RESOURCES/SW_COMPONENT/SW_DEMO/um0462.zip2011-05-22 4:54 AM
Hi clive1,
I am using a Descovery board with STM32F100RB, There is no ''SW DEMOS'' option for this type:http://www.st.com/internet/mcu/product/216844.jsp#SOFTWARE_AND_DEVELOPMENT_TOOLS
Is it means the software is not avilable for this micro? Thanks -Udi.2011-05-22 6:12 AM
The download should contain source, the protocol is described in other documentation.
By default the VLDiscovery doesn't have a serial port either, so you'll likely have to get creative on the hardware and software side. If you just want to program binaries into the device, the ST-LINK utilities would be the way to go.2011-05-23 7:01 AM
I have succeeded to use the bootloader on VL Dsicovery board and i would like to share it, for others usage:
1. Install flash loader demonstrator (on pc side). 2. the micro controller comes with build in boot loader. 3. connect micro's UART pins (Rx, Tx) to an adapter to PC port 4. connect ''boot'' pin to 5v. 5. run flash loader demonstrator wizard (it comes with pdf manual).