2020-05-22 12:46 PM
Is anyone out there using STM32FCube w/ fatfs with LFN (long file names) ? My project works, but I can only get a small file name to work. I have tried all of the settings in FFCONF.h and added ccsbcs.c file.
2020-05-22 1:12 PM
Last time I check Cube it had bundled a quite stale version of FatFs, 3 years old. When I can I use the newer version with HAL directly as the one provided corrupts large volumes.
Issues with creating, opening or directories?
2020-05-23 12:25 AM
Like Clive I use a fully updated FATFS and long file name definitely works perfectly. The only thing missing in the latest version is support for relative pathnames with an exFAT format disk but I've engineered a way round this by tracking the working directory external to FATFS.
2020-05-23 1:17 PM
2020-05-23 1:24 PM
2020-05-26 6:40 PM
Thanks for your help. I had a few changes to make and finally got a successful compile. Still having some issues. What changes to ffconf.h need to be made for long file names and multiple directories?