2019-09-27 7:07 AM
I am trying to develop external flash loader, which will use the cubeprogrammer utility, I am facing the following error,
1) When I try to use cubeide for the project, If I remove the main and made necessary changes in startup.s and in linker, getting the following linker error "./arm-none-eabi/lib/crt0.o: In function `_start'"
2) When I try to use the atollocstudio, I am able to compile and run in target but the processor resets on executing the following line of HAL Init
SystemCoreClock = HAL_RCC_GetSysClockFreq() >> ((D1CorePrescTable[(RCC->D1CFGR & RCC_D1CFGR_D1CPRE)>> RCC_D1CFGR_D1CPRE_Pos]) & 0x1FU);
Same code when ran from Flash memory executes without any issues.
3) Also I found that when I moved all the programs to RAM then the ISR's are being hit, the same code executing from flash works without any issues.
2019-10-01 7:32 AM
2020-11-07 12:20 AM
did you manage to create the external loader for your stm32h.
Yes, can you share your loader project with me.
thank you
2020-11-08 4:58 AM
We couldn't make it work, ended up writing our own loader which will execute from flash.